Lip Fillers Guide: What Are They, Benefits, Risks, Aftercare, Before and After.

Lip fillers are a hugely popular treatment, but if you’re new to the world of aesthetic treatments then be sure to read on for information about what lip fillers are, how they work, what to expect during the treatment and more.

Lip Fillers: What Are They, Benefits, Risks, Aftercare, Before and After.

Lip fillers are one of the most popular aesthetic treatments available right now for women of all ages. Nowadays, people are able to maintain their youthful looks for longer and lip fillers are one of their secrets! But it's important you understand the treatment before undergoing the procedure, so be sure to keep reading for all the essential information.

Lip fillers are a non-surgical aesthetic treatment that can be used to add volume to the lips. They have actually been around for a long time, dating back to the 1900s, however the efficacy and safety of the products, and the popularity and accessibility of the treatment itself has only really peaked in the last 10-20 years or so.

The fillers themselves are most commonly made from Hyaluronic Acid (HA) which is a substance that our bodies naturally produce. HA attracts water and when it does it increases in size. This is what gives lip fillers the ability to add volume and provides the sought-after filling effect that makes them so popular!

There are a huge range of fillers available, they have a gel-like consistency and come in a range of viscosities that determine what area of the body they can be used in. The filler is dispensed into the lip tissue using a fine needle, and is carefully placed to improve the shape of the lips, add volume, create definition or even correct asymmetry.


2. Why get lip fillers?

There are a range of reasons why someone would choose to get lip fillers. The lips can be one of the first places to show signs of ageing, and nowadays everyone is looking for natural enhancements that can improve their perceived imperfections. Unfortunately, the majority of women are self-conscious of their appearance in one way or another, but lip fillers provide an opportunity to enhance our looks and ultimately feel better about ourselves. Here’s a list of the top benefits to having lip fillers:

  • Add volume & hydration to the lips that is often lost as we age

  • Removes unwanted wrinkles and balances the face

  • Can correct asymmetry

  • Adds definition and volume to thin, poorly shaped lips

  • Creates a more youthful appearance

  • Can help improve confidence and self-image

  • Results are instant

  • Treatment is quick and minimally invasive

  • Fillers are safe and effective

  • Fillers are temporary so you can vary your treatment each time

How much will lip fillers cost?

The price for lip filler will vary depending on location, type of filler used, practitioners experience and more. You can expect to pay £100-£300 for 1ML of lip filler in the UK.

3. Myths and misconceptions about lip fillers.

As with any treatment, there’s some misinformation out there that often makes people feel wary about trying them. The media is hugely to blame for this, showing ‘botched jobs’ or ‘lip fillers gone wrong’ when in reality negative results are unlikely and as long as you choose a good practitioner, you’re much more likely to achieve beautiful natural results. So, let's address some of these myths… 

“Once I get lip filler, there’s no going back”

Lips fillers are temporary, which means if you decide you no longer want fillers you can simply wait for them to go. This also means we have the freedom to change things at future appointments should your desired end results change. There is also the possibility to dissolve the filler with a product called hyaluronidase which is safe and effective. 

“Lip fillers are only for people with thin lips” 

Not true! They're suitable for lips of all shapes and sizes and aside from adding volume they can be used to define, create a better shape, correct asymmetry, add hydration and smooth lines and wrinkles. 

“It is a risky treatment”  

This is simply not true. Of course any treatment has risks involved, but provided your practitioner has adequate training and understands what to do if any complications should arise, then it is a perfectly safe treatment to have. If your practitioner is skilled and knowledgeable, the chances of any serious negative side effects are very slim. Nevertheless, always be sure to do your research before choosing your practitioner. 

“Lip fillers look and feel unnatural” 

When done correctly, lip fillers can look incredibly natural. It all depends on the look you are trying to achieve. Some people love a bigger lip, whilst others take a ‘less is more’ attitude. But do be aware that those voluminous, even overfilled lips, will have taken multiple sessions to get to that size. A single ML of lip filler will not create unnatural results on its own. The filler itself is soft, mobile, and feels very similar to regular lip tissue so no need to worry about feeling uncomfortable with hard lips.

4. What does a lip filler treatment involve?

First your practitioner should go through a medical health check to make sure you are a suitable candidate for the treatment. Lip fillers are not appropriate for certain people, for example those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, those who have certain allergies, those who experience keloid scarring, and those who suffer certain medical conditions. Your practitioner should then discuss what the lip filler treatment involves, and any risks or side effects you may or may not experience. Next your practitioner should discuss your desired results with you, and clarify whether those results can be achieved in one session, or whether a few sessions will be required. During this time you will have had some numbing cream applied to your lips which will begin to take effect and make you feel more comfortable during the procedure.  

After a thorough consultation, your treatment will begin. The numbing cream will be removed, the lips will be cleaned and the injection process will begin. This part of the procedure is relatively quick. Once complete, your practitioner will go through lip filler aftercare and walk you through what to expect during the healing process, and then your treatment will be complete! All in all the appointment usually lasts around 45 minutes.

Note: Whilst it's not a bad idea to show your practitioner images of how you want your lips to look after your lip augmentation, you must remember that everyone’s anatomy is different. What is achievable for one person may not be achievable on you so be realistic with your expectations.

5. How much lip filler do I need?

For those clients who like a bigger lip or whose natural lips are particularly thin, often more than 1 session is required to build to your desired result. I will never inject more than 1ML at a time in the lips, this is to minimise the risk of any complications ensuring a safe treatment and better results for the client. Equally just because we can inject 1ML, doesn’t mean we can or should - some lips physically will not have space to hold 1ML of filler and would require a more gradual build up over time. Your practitioner will use their expertise to gauge exactly how much filler is needed per treatment to achieve the desired result.

6. Are lip fillers painful?

We cannot guarantee your treatment will be totally pain free, however very effort is taken to ensure you are as comfortable as possible during your treatment. Numbing cream will be applied to the lips before the treatment, and the fillers used during the treatment also contain numbing agents which help to numb the injection sites during the treatment.

Note: You will feel more sensitive during your menstrual cycle, take this into consideration when planning your treatment.

7. What to expect after lip fillers.

Swelling, bruising and tenderness are expected after your treatment. These things can last for a few days, following proper precare and aftercare will help to speed up your healing process and reduce negative side effects. Arnica cream or tablets are known to help reduce bruising, and ice packs can help reduce swelling. We also recommend avoiding alcohol for 24 hours, heavy exercise for 2-3 days, extreme temperatures including saunas & sun beds for 7 days, and no swimming for 2 weeks. 

If you are concerned about anything during your healing process, for example extreme bruising, pain or swelling be sure to reach out to your practitioner for their support.

Can you feel the filler in your lips after lip augmentation?

For up to 2 weeks after your treatment the lips will feel sore, swollen and you will be able to feel the filler. Once the filler has settled it softens and won’t feel any different to your natural lip tissue.

8. Are lip fillers safe?

Contrary to what you sometimes see in the media, lip fillers are actually a very safe treatment. When they’re performed by a well trained individual who works carefully and cautiously, you’ll experience no negative side effects other than some minor swelling and bruising which are both totally normal with this type of procedure. These usually subside within a matter of days, leaving you with your new plump and beautifully shaped lips.

More serious negative side effects tend to only occur when the practitioner is negligent, not adequately trained, or in some cases using poor quality fillers that are not suitable for lip injections. However complications can occur with even the most cautious, experienced injectors and whilst they can’t always be avoided what’s important is your practitioner being able to recognise when something isn’t right and treating it in a timely manner.

With that being said, always be sure to do your research before selecting your practitioner and make sure they have been trained in complication management so that on the off chance you do experience a negative reaction, they are fully equipped to deal with that.

9. How long do lip fillers last?

Lip fillers are a temporary treatment, over time the lip filler will naturally break down in the body. How fast they break down varies from person to person, things such as your lifestyle, type of product, amount used etc. Typically you can expect your results to last between 6-9 months.

10. What’s the difference between lip fillers and anti-wrinkle injections?

If you don’t know much about the wide range of aesthetic treatments that are available, you may get confused between lip fillers and anti-wrinkle injections. In some ways they are similar. Both are injectable treatments that are minimally invasive, have little down time and can help contribute to the maintenance of a youthful appearance. 

As previously discussed, lip fillers are designed to add volume to an area which helps plump the skin and remove fine lines and wrinkles. Anti-wrinkle injections can also reduce fine lines and wrinkles, however the product itself works in a totally different way. It will not add volume to an area, it actually works by paralysing the facial muscles that cause those wrinkles as a result of facial expression. If the muscles can’t move, the wrinkles can’t form, and this is what achieves the smoothed, youthful complexion that you expect after having anti-wrinkle injections. 

The two treatments work well together to achieve an overall more youthful appearance. Anti-wrinkle can freeze muscles to prevent fine lines and wrinkles from forming, and filler can be used to fill in any static wrinkles that are still in the skin even when the face is kept still.

11. The takeaways

Lips fillers are a fantastic way to improve your appearance and boost your confidence, giving you long lasting, natural looking results. The procedure is safe, but make sure you do your research and find a reputable practitioner who understands the treatment and can manage complications should they arise, so you can be sure you are in good hands. Hopefully this blog has answered any queries you had, but if not then feel free to check out our FAQs page, or message us with your questions. 

So, if you’re looking for a trustworthy and reliable practitioner to help you get the fuller, more youthful lips you’ve always wanted, then get in touch.

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